The Road Less Traveled

Why & How Much Trouble We Went Through

One Handcrafted Piece at a Time to Empower You

From childhood, I've been captivated by beauty and driven to create. My journey led me through prestigious art schools like Rhode Island School of Design and into a 17-year career in New York's fashion industry, designing for iconic brands such as Kate Spade and Calvin Klein.

However, witnessing the harmful pace of fast fashion, I realized I needed to align my work with my values.

This realization gave birth to Bombyx House. While I can't change the entire industry, I can create pieces that truly matter to you. My goal is to craft accessories that empower and celebrate your uniqueness. At Bombyx House, we're committed to making a difference, one person at a time.

You are Getting Handmade Jewelries Using Rare Finds from Local Artisans Around The World. 

At Bombyx House, our mission is clear: to celebrate the artistry of handmade creations, reconnect people with the human touch, and honor the rich history and heritage behind every piece.

We travel the world, Italy, India, France, China, Portugal and beyond, to source rare finds from artisans and bring these elements and parts to our studio in Westport, Connecticut. Here, each piece is thoughtfully designed and handcrafted with care by our designer.

Time, Love, Soul & You

We draw inspiration from timeless craftsmanship, honoring generations of artisanal wisdom. Love is woven into every piece through our careful selection of materials and meticulous handcrafting. The soul of our brand celebrates global artistry, connecting you to a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and human creativity.

You Are Embracing A Unique Story

With Bombyx House jewelry, you embrace a unique global story. Each handcrafted piece connects you to skilled artisans worldwide, reminding you of your choice to support ethical fashion.

Your one-of-a-kind accessory not only boosts your confidence but also gives you a meaningful narrative to share, celebrating your role in preserving traditional craftsmanship and promoting sustainable fashion.